Preparing for adulthood

Information about support available when moving into adulthood. 

preparing for adulthood image

We want to make sure young people with special educational needs and disabilities are prepared for adulthood and are able to:

  • stay well and healthy: being as physically and mentally healthy as possible in adult life
  • be a part of the community and have friendships: having friends and supportive relationships, and participating in, and contributing to, the local community
  • achieve paid employment: exploring different employment options, such as support for becoming self-employed and help from supported employment agencies
  • live independently and have housing options: young people having choice, control and freedom over their lives and the support they have, their accommodation and living arrangements, including supported living

Young people will start making decisions about their education and future from the ages of 13 to 14 years old (Year 9). At this point, your child has a right to independent careers advice. They should receive a career action plan including independent guidance and a written record of the conversation about further education or work.

If your child has an education, health and care needs plan (EHCP), preparing for adulthood will be part of their Year 9 Annual Review. The career action plan will support this review.

SEND Next Choices event

The SEND Next Choices (getting ready adult life) Event is an annual event in Leeds. The event brings together a wide range of organisations who can answer your queries about your post 16 options if you have special educational needs and/or disabilities.

You can find out about jobs, training, apprenticeships, college courses, voluntary work, leisure activities, finances, benefits and organisations who can help you.

This is a free event for young people, parents/carers and schools.

Read about the 2024 event here

The event takes place in June, if you would like more information about the event email