May 2024
A letter from Dan Barton, Deputy Director (Learning) at Leeds City Council regarding the next stage in the improvement of our SEND services.
Updates on the SEND and inclusion transformation programme in Leeds.
Following an increase in demands on service and workforce challenges resulting in a drop in statutory performance, Leeds City Council commissioned a review of its current EHC assessment, plan and annual review processes to identify key opportunities for change. The review so far has highlighted areas for improvement in relation to the Council’s communications, processes, support provided and consistency in approaches.
Our aim is to implement changes and improvements, to help the Council achieve its vision, that children and young people in Leeds with SEND, have the best possible start to life and equal opportunities to learn.
The Children and Families Department will keep you updated throughout the process and this webpage will serve as an information hub about the changes.
If you have any queries in relation to the project, please get in touch with us at
May 2024
A letter from Dan Barton, Deputy Director (Learning) at Leeds City Council regarding the next stage in the improvement of our SEND services.
Background and Rationale for Change
In the video above from our Deputy Director for Learning Dan Barton explains the background behind the transformation programme and why it is needed.
Current and Future Funding Arrangements
It is the intention of the Local Authority (LA) that any funding that has already been awarded will remain in place until transition for the children or young person is complete.
FFI will be in place until at least the end of March 2025. After that, it will cease if a decision has been made not to proceed with an EHC needs assessment.
Yes, current arrangements will cease in August 2024 to be replaced by the single application process. All currently funded children will have their funding rolled over until the end of transition arrangements, and where appropriate, an EHC needs assessment will be considered. Therefore, you should not apply for funding if it is due to run out at the end of nursery.
For children in nursery, EYFFI applications can still be made until 31 August 24 for any funding agreed to be allocated from September 2024. For children moving into Reception in autumn term 2024 there will need to be consideration of if they need an EHC needs assessment. A request can be submitted as and when needs arise using the single application process online from September 2024.
Support for Parents and Carers
We will engage with a wide range of stakeholders throughout this change to provide clarity and support, through a range of methods including direct conversation, group engagement, information sharing, and a page hosted on the Leeds Local Offer for parents and carers. You can contact us to ask questions or provide feedback at You can also sign up to the Leeds Parent Carer Forum (LPCF) where you can have your say on key issues that affect children and families with SEND in the city. You can find out information about support groups here.
Transition and Application Processes
Our current plans include a short-term investment in Educational Psychologists (EPs) and plan writers to support clearing the EHC requests that are out of statutory timeframe. We also aim to simplify our processes through use of new IT and digital tools, implementing a single application form, and setting up a multi-agency panel for decision making. Alongside this, we will also be working on a long-term recruitment and retention strategy to invest in more Educational Psychologists.
The FFI team will be speaking with individual schools and educational settings to discuss options for these children as well as cases for those who are not in receipt of an FFI that may require an EHC assessment request form to be completed.
We are also considering a setting-based model to support cohorts of children and young people to continue to receive funding. Further information about how to apply for this funding will be communicated with schools and settings in due course.
As we go through this period of change the FFI team will contact each school to individually discuss their cohort and plan the transition. We expect that these phone calls will take place in June, July, and early September 2024. An FFI Co-ordinator will email each setting before the end of term to schedule the phone call.
A transition timetable will be produced and published as soon as possible. The Local Authority (LA) is currently considering how resources will be assigned to this process.
Specific Queries for FFI Calls
All years will be discussed during the FFI phone calls with settings, including Nursery 2 (ages 3-4) to reception and Year 6 to Year 7.
Pupils with funding who are transitioning to secondary school in September 2024 will be listed and discussed during phone calls with the secondary school. These discussions will also facilitate the sharing of transition information for students moving to a new phase.
For further support and guidance on the EHCP review process, please contact
If you feel you require further support during this transition, you can contact:
For information about SEND services in Leeds visit the Leeds Local Offer website.