West Yorkshire Voice want to hear about the experiences of children and young people (0-25yrs) in relation to their health and using health and care services. They will write a report based on what we already know from speaking to young people and from engagement work like this survey. This will be presented at the Integrated Care Board (ICB) board meeting on 24th September.
A survey have been created to understand your perspectives. You can answer as a child or young person yourself, as a parent/ guardian, as a carer or as a professional who works with young people.
There is an online version that you can complete and a word document version in large print (size 18) which can be completed and returned to info@westyorkshirehealthwatch.co.uk.
The deadline for completing this is Tuesday 3rd September.
Support in completing the survey
If you need any support with completing this survey or need it in a different format, please get in touch via one of the methods below:
Email: info@westyorkshirehealthwatch.co.uk
Call: 0113 898 0035.
Text: 07496 403 341.