Leeds Parent Carer Forum

Parents and carers having their voices heard.

The Leeds Parent Carer Forum is led by local parents working to represent the views of parents and carers of children and young people with SEND while working in partnership with the Local Authority Education, Health and Care services to make a positive difference for children and families in Leeds.

Click here to download the voice and influence of parents and carers model for Leeds. 

Ways to get involved

There are different ways you can get involved in the work of the Leeds Parent Carer Forum

  • Become a member: by signing up to become a member you will receive information about what we have been involved in, events for you to attend to have your voice heard and other consultations taking part in the city. Click here to sign up to be a member. 
  • Become a representative: the forum are always looking for parents and carers who have time to give to help the work of the forum, this can be attending coffee mornings to speak to families and gather their feedback, help organising events or attending meetings on behalf of the forum. 
  • Become a member of the steering group: the steering group meet once a month and make decisions about the direction of the forum and the work we are involved in. 

If you are interested in being a representative of the Leeds Parent Carer Forum or being part of the steering group email info@leedsparentcarerforum.co.uk for more information. 

Contact details:

Leeds Parent Carer Forum

Issues and challenges raised by parents and carers

Parent / Carer Support Groups from across Leeds meet quarterly with the Leeds Parent Carer Forum and the SEND Voice and Influence Coordinator at Leeds City Council to feedback the issues parents / carers of children with SEND are experiencing. These issues are shared with the relevant service and responses given.

Click here to download the issues tracker (updated May 2024). 

The previous issues raised can be found on the archived issues tracker here

SEND parent carer support group network

The SEND parent carer support group network compromises of representatives from SEND parent / carers support groups in Leeds. Meetings take place quarterly, for 2 hours in person, with a hybrid option for those who are unable to attend in person.  

The Leeds Parent Carer Forum and the Local Offer and SEND Voice and Influence Coordinator coordinate and chair the meetings.

Issues raised on behalf of parents and carers will be logged on the tracker and shared with the relevant service and Leeds Area SEND and AP Partnership Board.  

Aims and purpose of network meetings

  • To share parents / carers concerns and issues about SEND services in Leeds with the Leeds Parent Carer Forum 
  • To promote and share voice and influence opportunities within the city for parents and carers 
  • Review and develop the Leeds Local Offer 
  • Provide governance to the SEND and Inclusion Strategy 

Click here to download the terms of reference for the group, which includes a list of support groups who are represented. 

If you are a member of a SEND parent carer support group and would like to attend future meetings to represent the parents and carers you support please email LLO@leeds.gov.uk 

Previous notes

Below are links to notes from previous meetings: