Framework principles and approach

Principles of the SEND Practice Framework.

The principles of the SEND Practice Framework underpin the Framework itself and are the heart of the work we are undertaking.

  • Person centred and aspirational for all CYP – recognising the child/young person as an individual, putting the child and young person at the centre of everything we do. Building in voice and aspiration of the child/young person, celebration of the whole child.
  • Always working WITH – creating a context of high support and high challenge with children, young people and families and each other;
  • Relationship and partnership based – assuming that engagement and best outcomes are achieved through trusting and respectful relationships with each other, taking responsibility for creating and maintaining effective relationships at all levels;
  • One child , one plan process  - which is formulation driven and evidence based, wherever possible,  one lead worker  to coordinate a single comprehensive plan. Ensuring a holistic view of the child and young person.
  • Strength and needs focussed - all interactions, interventions and plans are seeking, affirming and utilising existing knowledge, skills and abilities; and adopt an evidence based approach to assessing needs and managing risk;
  • Transparent - children, young people and families are as fully informed as possible and are always involved in and understand decisions that concern themselves and their families; Decisions promote equity and fairness.
  • Accountability, evaluation and sustainability – having high expectations and always working to continually understand a situation, improve plans and find ways to enable independence and reduce reliability on services-
  • Recognising that inclusion and engagement with education is a protective factor – seeking to maximise attendance, attainment and achievement and secure positive life outcomes.
  • Supporting the system that supports the child – equality of opportunity, promotion of inclusion, understanding that practice and policy is the foundation on which all other developments are made.
  • Preparing for adulthood – systems that ensure children and young people develop confidence, resilience and life skills that allow for successful transitions, and to live fulfilling lives.