Elective Home Education

Information about elective home education (EHE).

Teaching your child at home, instead of sending them to school full time is called elective home education.

If your child is of compulsory school age (between 5 and 16 years old) and you want to teach them at home, you can contact us to discuss this.

You can teach them yourself or employ a tutor to support you. You will be you fully responsible for making sure that they receive a suitable, full-time education for their age, aptitude, skills and special educational needs (if any).

If your child attends a specialist provision or school and you want to teach them at home, you’ll need to contact your SEN Casework Officer who will talk to you about this, and will usually arrange for a review to take place. You will be asked to provide a plan that shows how you will provide the support needed for your child at home. Approval must be given by the council for you to withdraw your child from a specialist school. 

If your child goes to a mainstream school you do not need to ask for permission. If they have an EHC Plan and you decide to home educate then please contact your SEN Casework Officer who will talk to you about your plans to provide the support outlined in the EHC Plan.

Before you decide you should read more about elective home education on GOV.UK

Click here to find out more information about educating your child at home in Leeds.

For more information about Elective Home Education 

Right to home educate

Right to home educate

Equipment and Financial Support 

If you educate your child at home, you will not get any financial help from us. 

You will need to pay for:

  • all educational resources (such as books or computer)
  • tuition fees
  • exam fees
  • You will not receive any money for free school meals.

If your child is of compulsory school age (between 5 and 16 years old) and you want to educate them at home, we would like you to contact us at EHE@leeds.gov.uk

What you need to do 

If your child is of pre-school age then there is nothing you need to do, although the Local Authority would prefer that you send a letter to outline your intentions to EHE@leeds.gov.uk. Without this, you may continue to receive letters and contact from the LA asking you to apply for a school place or asking you to outline what education your child is receiving.

If you are withdrawing your child from school and he/she is of compulsory school age,      you should write to your child’s school stating your intention to educate your child at home. The school has a duty under Section 12 (3) of “The Education (Pupil Registration) Regulations 2006” to inform the Local Authority that your child will be removed from the school registers. The school will take your child off the school roll and have no further responsibility for your child’s education. At this point, you assume  full financial responsibility for your child’s education including funding for any formal assessments or examinations.

Leeds is a child friendly city, and we feel that in the interests of all children it is important that we  maintain a dialogue with you about the education you are providing for your child.

What we need to do 

As part of the Local Authorities informal enquiries, we would like to arrange to visit you at home, but if you prefer, we can meet somewhere else that suits you, hold a meeting online, or you can     send us Information using our learning information form (LIF), or in a different form of your choice. 

If we have any queries about your child’s education, we will write and let you know. You will always have the opportunity to work with us to resolve any issues.

As a Local Authority, we want to work with parents through our informal process to gather information about the education being provided so that we understand whether your child is in receipt of a suitable education. If the local authority receives little or no response to the request for information, we may assume that a child is not receiving suitable education, and where appropriate we will consider the legal options available to us to ensure your child returns to education as quickly as possible.

Elective Home Education for a child or young person with an EHCP

Parents of a child who has an EHCP can also educate them  at home.

If your child is on the roll of a specialist setting, parents require the consent of the Local Authority to remove the child from the roll in order to educate at home. Please discuss  this with your SENSAP (Special Educational Needs, Statutory Assessment and Provision) casework officer.

If your child goes to a mainstream school, you do not need to ask permission, but you will need to review the EHCP. All EHCPs must continue to be reviewed annually and this review includes assessing whether the plan is still appropriate, requires amendment or might cease to be maintained. SENSAP officers will maintain contact with you regarding this.

Services, support and resources


The JCQ has a website that identifies exams centres willing to enter external candidates: https://www.jcq.org.uk/private-candidates/. However, not all centres sign up to this. Parents/carers are currently responsible for researching exam bodies and meeting any associated costs for registering as an external candidate and exams.


In situations where a tutor or online education resource is employed this will need careful research, ensuring they are reputable and meet necessary standards in relation to safeguarding, content and health and safety compliance. The Local Authority does not advocate or make recommendations in relation to this.

Support Services 

The Leeds Local Offer has a helpful directory of services providers that you may find helpful.